
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween 2017!

First, I want to wish you a very Happy Halloween!
I took a spooky walk today and now I am cozy in my little house, watching the "House of Wax".
I wanted to show you my Halloween decorations.....
Above Franky and Dracula...a 
Lots of goodies are here on my green shelf....some from long ago and some are pretty new!

This cute cat treat holder I got from Sue for my it! 
I made a small quilt from a Michelle Palmer drawing on muslin...and the rock I painted ages ago to look like a skull. 
I made this quilt in 1991...when I was just starting to get into quilting...the only reason I know the date is because I stitched it on it! 
I love this shelf area....full of crazy corny stuff! 
I love the kitty in pumpkin...and I put the smaller one next to it for fun! 
I love hanging up masks on a string of jute! 
I have stuff everywhere!  It has taken over my house. 
I made this paper witch made from an old photo from my collection....the skeleton hand is from the dollar is salad tongs! 
This mask cracks me up!  I put a witch hat on it. 
Not too long ago I got old doll heads for 2 dollars each, very fun for Halloween. 
I have a big Charlie Brown collection...this is just a little of it. 
This with hangs from my fan on the ceiling...a fun gal to make! 
I love is addicting!
I made the books for display by painting a set of goodwill books orange and black. 
I love my teapot witch and crazy paper witch right next to it. 
I am trying to teach my daughter about what is vintage and what just looks vintage....she is getting better at it. 
That horrible witch candle is new for me, a gurley candle. 
I love all the fragile and delicate. 
I loved the skeleton we had as hung on our door every year until his head ripped 
My mantle of skulls!
Selina thought it needed a theme....good idea! 
Selina's pumpkin...which is to my two new witches I made...
the left is from Pineberry lane and the right is Chestnut junction. 
These pumpkin gals were made two years ago... a sweet meadows farm design.
I love making these after some of my deadlines and shows...just for me!
The hanging her face! 
Another witch I made using a Chestnut Junction pattern....stump doll.
I love this group....just a willy nilly mix! 
I have had that witch for over 20 years...she has a clay nose...and great gray hair. 
My vintage witch on a saucer, new for me....she must be from the 50's or early 60's. 
My piano pictures always turn out different that what it really looks like, normally this is a spooky area. 
Sheet music to one of my favorite movies....I got this and 3 tubs of cool junk at a garage sale this summer.... 20 bucks for all.

I have lots of old world Christmas ornaments... 
I like anything that lights up!
Witches and more... 
I hope you enjoyed seeing my I must relax with some

Come to home matters linky party! 

1 comment:

  1. Holy COW! I love your collections! I had to save this post for next year's Halloween decoration inspiration. Thanks for the eye candy! Trick-or-treat!
