
Friday, September 15, 2017

It's not how much you have...

Oh, what a true statement!
I wish everyone would understand this....I know way too many people who think that what they own and how much ... is the most important aspect of wrong.

This would make an inspirational framed stitchery!
Copy and save!
This is a sneak peak of a cool pattern I am almost done with...this is just one element of it.
I think you will like it very much!
I got a few things the other day...just thought I would share with you...
a vintage party hat and vintage cupcake toppers....
a vintage noisemaker...
yes I have a lot now...I am trying to control myself, but it is hard.
My daughter Selina drew this cat like the vintage one and laser cut it in wood...and then glittered it...
it is quite big and has party streamer fringe.
I love this...I think I will just take it for myself...hehehe,
She also made nut cups....
and pins to wear.
At an antique store I got this coloring book,,,,it is big and not colored in (crazy , I know!).
cool cross stitch pattern.... 99 cents....can't beat that!
I usually don't like anything too scary but this doll cracked me up...
Then when I got home and squeezed her alittle she glowed and said scary stuff like "Talking Tina" from the twilight zone...pretty funny!!
I got some dorky stuff.
I got this cool Jim shore snowman music box...nothing wrong with it...and it is adorable.
cool reproduction halloween sign.
1925 Christmas book...
ok...I love a derpy cat!
She is saying ... love me!
and I do
In our town...there was a school Freeman high school.
Another horrible shooting!
Why can't there be an answer to all this?
Something needs to change.

Sending out love to the kids and parents.

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful stitchery, thanks. I always like reading your posts to see all the things you've been involved in making, or one of the girls has.
