
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Pretty string & yarn hoop art.

Did you have a good holiday?
I didn't real do anything "Special"...just tasks around the house, helping out my dad, hanging outside and enjoying the weather.
But I did have fun making these super easy string hoop art.
You have probably seen them before....but trust me...making them is so fun and when you see them swaying in your is magical.
I have lots of different supplies in my studio...I bet you do too.
I don't crochet...but this yarn from a thrift store really called out to me.
I gathered up a couple embroidery hoops, lace, strings, yarn and ribbon.

i just started winding the yarn around the inner you would to roll up a skein of yarn into a ball.
Keep winding...more... until you like what it looks like.
Then put on the outer hoop (you could add glue to the inner edge to make even sturdier).  Tighten your screw on the hoop as far as you can.

Tie on lengths of ribbon, yarn, string and lace....on the bottom part of the hoop.

First one turned out so sweet!

Guess what...I had to do another one!
This time with some yarn that had some texture in it.

This hoop was much larger.

Lastly I gathered up a pastel variegated yarn and made the smallest one.

These hang easily from the trees...and gently sway with a breeze.

This is such an inexpensive way to add some sweetness to your yard.

Now I am going to keep them in my courtyard just outside my studio.
I think kids would really like to do this as a summer project.

Plus...these would look fabulous as decor at a country wedding.

I may have to make some for my big big trees in my backyard too.

Hope you try some!

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