
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spring Quilt Market- my Hudson's Holidays booth

I am back !!!
 I had an amazing time in Portland at the International Quilt Market....people came from all over the world....amazing to deal with people who speak all kinds of different languages, but have a love for sewing and quilting.  There were tons of booths....I will share others I took from our phones another day.
This was the giant hoop sign I made for my booth....since I make all kinds of Flash cards...I thought I would make some for my business.

This quilt called..."She lingers in the garden" was very popular!  I showed my paintings in my booth too.

I decided to have an everyday look/theme.
   I know what you are could Shirley not have had all her holiday stuff out everywhere?
It was hard not too!
I had tons of brochures...they ran out!

My daughter painted the chair and I redid goodwill lamps for the lighting.

Selina was in her element.  She showed off her phone she painted and my hat pattern.  She had lots of pics taken of her for blogs.

  I sold out of a lot of patterns and I have tons of orders to fill now that I am home....gotta get it done!  Sunday was a wheeling and dealing day!  I have lots of cool deals going....from magazines in Europe being an author of my own craft/sewing book....lots of  other things to hash out...YAY!!!!
The ladies in hoops were a big favorite....many requests to make more!

 People loved my style...saying it was fresh and different than all the other projects out there.

I had to bring my party streamer cherry blossoms....the tutorial is on this blog.

A bowl of mice...People loved them!

Selina handed out glittery bookmarks and loved talking to people....especially our neighbor.
There were sooooo many nice people there!  I want to thank all you quilt shop owners for stopping by....I loved meeting you!  Talk about sweet and generous ladies!

The best donuts and so different...loved the maple bar with bacon!
Lots of crazies around...made things interesting.

Multnomah Falls....really close to gorgeous! 
This fabulous statue of MLK is just out side the Quilt inspiring.
So ...I gotta stop writing and continue processing orders....Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your booth looks wonderful, love how you decorated it, to show off your pieces.


  2. Hi!!! Wow!!! Beautiful booth and all your wonderful arts!!!! Congrats on all the deals!!!! A book!!! So fun!!!! Salina is adorable!!!! Love the pic of the falls too...looks so relaxing!!!! Thanks for sharing your fun!!!!
