
Monday, August 1, 2011

A few More Studio pics

Here are a few more pics from my studio...if you want to see more of my studio click here.
This is where I stick extra tags....cause I am a tag-o-holic!

I love making spools to wrap my lace and ribbon around....I have a tutorial on etsy for this.  I also love strawberries especially when they are pincushions too.

Here are my Eiffel towers, flower pins, and large mannequins.

I got this small shopping cart at a thrift was silver and I painted it solid GOLD.  It is fun to hold my yarns.   I should make some cool pom-poms!

Here is a big shelf for all my sewing books and old photos.  This is near my sewing/cutting table.

I like to keep thread close to the sewing machine...and also my bobbins- which I change often.

Here is a flower quilt top I am designing....boy do I need to finish that up!

This is something that makes me smile.  An old wire fence, wrapped up in a circle and turned upside down.  Then I added tons of eye candy.

1 comment:

  1. Shirley, your room is amazing! I'm still doing the rounds, visiting all the beautiful crafting spaces. Yours is full of eye candy!
