
Thursday, July 8, 2010

My kitty is so darned cute!!!

I just went through a few pictures from last summer....I found my kitty Froy who is one years old now.  No wonder I couldn't resist him at the pet store!!!  The first thing he did when we brought him home was bang his head on the wall trying to catch a string...he just shook his head and continued to frisk!

Now he is big, but still cute!  Selina loves him, they sleep together. He comes when you say his name and has a super loud purr.  He lays on my cutting table when I helpful. 


  1. OH my what a cutie and boy has he grown!!!! He looks huge!!!! Thanks for the cute pics!!!! hugs

  2. He is just probably the cutest kitten I have
    ever seen! He isn't big now, I would say,
    he's HUGE! Thanks for sharing...

    Bear Hugs~Karen

  3. what a sweet BIG baby!!! Are you going to the barn sale in Rathdrum this weekend? I am going to try to make it sat. afternoon, but the heat makes me want to stay home!!! You, Sue, and I still need to do a antique/thrift store day!!!

  4. Oh my gosh, I love your kitty, both the baby size and the current super-sized version! I have 3 Maine Coon cats and they are so precious to me. Marcy

  5. Thanks for all your comments...if you think he is huge you should see my "Lucky"....he is a 20 pound tabby. I have three cats, they all are so different! By the way, I had a maine coon....she was my favorite cat ever....her name was Sally and she is buried in our yard in a special spot...she was so darned cute and was always around me.
